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Anaqua Invoice Create
Operations and Technology
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Anaqua Invoice Create
Creating Invoices in SAP which are posted from Anaqua
Methods Available
This endpoint will send Invoice details to SAP and responds with success or error response. It supports application/json
content type .
Request URL Info
The authentication mechanism for the endpoint is : API Key
The request header to be passed to the endpoint as :
api_key : <API key which is shared or generate from developer portal>
Content-Type : application/json
Accept : application/json (Default)
The endpoint url to be used is :
POST https://qa.api.nbcuniversal.com/sap/aqa/qa/v1/finance/invoice/create
Sample Request
"InstanceID": null,
"InvoiceId": "81432949",
"Changed_on": "20190917",
"Changed_by": "1",
"PayeeId": "81021759",
"CurrencyCode": "USD",
"Invoice_Number": "1234567",
"Invoice_Date": "20190820",
"Invoice_Amount": "20000.0000",
"Received_On": "20190806",
"Created_On": "20190822",
"Submitted_By": "1",
"Submitted_On": "20190822",
"Authorizer": "1",
"Authorized_On": "20190822",
"Invoice_Status": "Posted",
"Posted_Date": "20190822",
"Comments": "Testing Comments",
"Discount": "N",
"Discount_Terms": "Test Discount Description",
"Processed_On": "20190917",
"CompCode": "S031",
"PDF": "DQolJUVPRg==",
"Events": [
"InstanceID": null,
"Event_ID": "251130",
"Event_Name": "Test Event",
"Event_Date": "20190919",
"Created_By": "1",
"Event_Description": "Testing Event Description"
"Contacts": [
"InstanceID": null,
"Telephone": "44 8707 353 900",
"Role": "Case Manager",
"Email": "admin@anaqua.com",
"User_ID": "1"
"InvoiceItems": [
"InstanceID": null,
"InvoiceAllocationId": "2",
"InvoiceId": "81432949",
"Line_Number": "1",
"Record_Id": "81420459",
"Description": "Your firm is not the assigned agent/ law firm on the record being invoiced Click Close to discontinue with this line info. Click Create to override and proceed with this line info.",
"PurchaseOrder": "PO12334",
"Country": "United States of America",
"CountryCode": "US",
"ChargeCode": "PA100 - Assessment, Development, and Administration",
"Amount": "250.0000",
"Tax": "0.0000",
"Person": "Admin User",
"Hours": "15",
"BudgetName": "Default Budget",
"BudgetType": "Revenue",
"BudgetYear": "2019",
"FirmReferenceNumber": "Test",
"MatterDate": "20190823",
"RecordName": "1234567 - Awaiting Submission - Law Firm Test",
"ReferenceNumber": "IN81420459",
"TaxCode": "MLINTSERV",
"TaxDescription": "International Services",
"TaxRate": "0.00",
"GLAccount": "14190002",
"CostObject": "S03100671",
"CompCode": "S031",
"WBSE": "Y-ST81918000004"
Sample Response
"E_INSTANCE_ID": "9004164702",
"E_MESSAGE": "",
"item": [
"MANDT": "",
"ROLE": "Case Manager",
"USER_ID": "1",
"TELEPHONE": "44 8707 353 900",
"EMAIL": "admin@anaqua.com"
"T_EVENT": {
"item": [
"MANDT": "",
"EVENT_ID": "251130",
"EVENT_NAME": "Test Event",
"EVENT_DATE": "20190919",
"CREATED_BY": "1",
"EVENT_DESC": "Testing Event Description"
Error Codes
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden or Developer Inactive |
404 | Not Found |
405 | Method Not Allowed |
500 | Internal Server Error |
502 | Bad Gateway |
504 | Gateway Timeout |
505 | HTTP Version Not Supported |
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